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How to Elope In Yosemite

Getting married in this national park is absolutely unreal- and making the necessary preparations beforehand will make everything that much more enjoyable.

#1 Get Necessary Permits

If you’re getting married in the park, you will need to MAIL IN a special use permit found here. Make sure to do so with enough time for it to arrive at the office. If approved, the fee is $150. Specific locations and other important details can be found in the link.

Engagement photos are permit-free, however since we were taking bridals for these photos we played it safe and got one just in case!

You will also need to make a reservation to drive in the park if you enter between April 13th – October 27th, 2024. Get one here at

#2 Check Alerts/Possible Closures

And prepare to adapt! Tioga Road, Glacier Point Road, and Mariposa Grove Road all have current road closures, so some of your favorite spots may be unaccessible until further notice.

This link will take you to the page where you can see current closures, restrictions, safety hazards, road status, and more.

#3 Give Yourselves Wiggle Room

Because you’ve had a long drive and will need to get it all out! Haha bad jokes aside, the park is huuuge and so it might take you some time to arrive/hike/head out from one place to another.

You can do with more time than less. We took photos at Lower Yosemite Falls and El Capitan Meadow and that took us about 2.5 hours in total.

#4 Leave No Trace

Come prepared to pack out whatever you bring in with you, stay on trails and other designated areas, and share the space with other visitors just like you! Being mindful goes along way with heavily trafficked places like Yosemite.

Happy Exploring!

Yosemite is aboslutely worth it. We drove 730 miles (there and back) in one day, and it was worth every mile. I hope your trip is just as memorable and that these tips help make things go a little smoother! 🙂

Couple: Mamie + Nathan Location: Yosemite National Park, CA

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